I am camped next to a bunch of law students from Texas.  I had planned to sleep in late this morning, but they get up and leave early.  I finally leave about an hour after they did.  The trail leaving Indian Garden is relatively flat for a short distance and then starts uphill rapidly.  I pass several deer feeding beside the trail.
The trail leaving Indian Garden
3-20-2015 @ 7:58
A deer feeding beside the trail
3-20-2015 @ 8:04

     Part-way up the climb to the 3-mile rest house, there is a nice view looking back down on Indian Garden.

  Looking back down at Indian Garden
3-20-2015 @ 8:18

     I am surprised to meet up with the law students at the 3-mile rest house.  I expected them to be further up the trail.

The 3-mile rest house
3-20-2015 @ 8:44
The 3-mile rest house
3-20-2015 @ 8:44

     I decide to walk with the students on the next section of the trail.  After finding out that I am a retired judge, the students and I discuss various legal stuff.  We move to the side of the trail as the morning mule team passes by.

  The morning mule team
3-20-2015 @ 9:32

     When we reach the 1.5 mile rest house, a couple of the law students are having physical issues and one is slowly limping along.  I say goodbye to them at this point and head on up the trail alone.

The 1.5-mile bathroom
3-20-2015 @ 9:46
The 1.5-mile rest house
3-20-2015 @ 9:58
The 1.5-mile rest house sign
3-20-2015 @ 9:58

     When you reach the first tunnel, you get lulled into thinking you are almost to the rim, but there is still a ways to go.

Looking back at Indian Garden
3-20-2015 @ 10:11
The lower tunnel
3-20-2015 @ 10:26
Kolb Studio at the rim
3-20-2015 @ 10:51

     I pass a guy carrying his daughter in a backpack.  Somehow the phrase, "Giddy-up Daddy" comes to mind.

  A hiker on the trail
3-20-2015 @ 10:53

     When you pass the upper tunnel, you know you are almost there.  The Kolb Studio is a welcome sight.  I throw my stuff in my car and head to the Maswik for lunch.

The upper tunnel
3-20-2015 @ 11:01
Kolb Studio
3-20-2015 @ 11:04

     Then I start the long drive back to Oklahoma.


Copyright © Richard M. Perry, 2004-2024.  All rights reserved. This web site, its text, and pictures may not be copied without the express written consent of Richard M. Perry.