I am camped next to a
bunch of law students from Texas. I had planned to sleep in late this
morning, but they get up and leave early. I finally leave about an
hour after they did. The trail leaving Indian Garden is relatively
flat for a short distance and then starts uphill rapidly. I pass
several deer feeding beside the trail.
Part-way up the climb to the 3-mile rest house, there is a nice view looking back down on Indian Garden. I am surprised to meet up with the law students at the 3-mile rest house. I expected them to be further up the trail.
I decide to walk with the students on the next section of the trail. After finding out that I am a retired judge, the students and I discuss various legal stuff. We move to the side of the trail as the morning mule team passes by. When we reach the 1.5 mile rest house, a couple of the law students are having physical issues and one is slowly limping along. I say goodbye to them at this point and head on up the trail alone.
When you reach the first tunnel, you get lulled into thinking you are almost to the rim, but there is still a ways to go.
I pass a guy carrying his daughter in a backpack. Somehow the phrase, "Giddy-up Daddy" comes to mind. When you pass the upper tunnel, you know you are almost there. The Kolb Studio is a welcome sight. I throw my stuff in my car and head to the Maswik for lunch.
Then I start the long drive back to Oklahoma. MAIN INDEX | HIKING INDEX | BACK TO DAY 3 | FORWARD TO POSTSCRIPT