After breakfast in camp, I walk over to the canteen. The Park Service has hired a company to replace the waterline down at Phantom Ranch. The workmen have the day off, so I think I'll check out all their equipment and see what they're doing. They have several excavators down here. I wonder how they got them here.
This plaque commemorating the Trans-Canyon telephone line is pretty neat. Installing the poles and lines in 1935 must have been very challenging work. The pipeline work crew has set up their own mini tent camp next to the Ranger Station.
I usually do some kind of day hike on my layover day when I'm down here, but today I'm just going to relax at the Canteen at Phantom Ranch, write postcards, and read books. I have a very pleasant day and consume some adult beverages. I even finish the entire book on Mary Jane Colter.
The Park Service also hired someone to cut down a lot of the old cottonwood trees. After more than a century of growth, they were getting old. Many of them looked like they were in danger of falling over. They have commandeered a couple of the campsites to put all the wood in. I wonder what they plan to do with all the wood.
When you are solo, you have the luxury of having a campsite all to yourself. That is nice. I meet Mark and Jodie this afternoon. They had such a good time on their day hike up to the Clear Creek overview that they also did the river loop around the two bridges. We meet again at 5:00 for the steak dinner. Tomorrow morning I've got the 5:30 A.M. breakfast at Phantom Ranch and then it's up to Indian Garden for the night. MAIN INDEX | HIKING INDEX | BACK TO DAY 1 | FORWARD TO DAY 3