Trailhead to:
Distance from Rim in miles Elevation
in feet
Water Toilet Emergency
Supai Tunnel 2.0 6840 Yes: May-Sep Yes No No No
Roaring Springs 4.7 5200 Yes: May-Sep Yes No No No
Cottonwood Camp 6.9 4065 Yes: May-Sep Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ribbon Falls 8.4 3720 No No No No No
Phantom Ranch 14.0 2560 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Bright Angel Campground 14.5 2546 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
River Trail Junction 14.9 2440 No No No No No

     The North Kaibab trailhead is about two miles north of the lodge or about a one mile hike from the campground.  It is the primary trail for trips into the inner Canyon from the North Rim.  It is wide, smooth, and steep with numerous step-downs.  It is 1.5 miles to the Coconino Overlook and 2 miles to the Supai Tunnel where there is piped water and a toilet.  The trail continues to descend rapidly until reaching the junction to Roaring Springs at the 4.7 mile point.  Roaring Springs has piped water and, contrary to the NPS website,  it does have a very nice toilet.  From this point on, the trail descends more gradually and follows Bright Angel Creek all the way to Phantom Ranch.

     Cottonwood Camp is at the 6.9 mile point with piped water, a toilet, Ranger station, and emergency telephone.  The Ranger station is frequently unmanned.  Campsites here are much smaller and rougher than those at Bright Angel campground.  The Ribbon Falls cutoff is 1.5 miles south of Cottonwood Camp.  It is less than a half-mile to the falls.  If you are south bound, there is a short cut back to the main trail.  Follow the water from the falls to Bright Angel Creek.  Then go south until you find rocks in the creek large enough to jump out on and get across without getting wet.  This will save over a half-mile of hiking.  The trail is nearly level and very easy walking from here through the Box Section and on into Phantom Ranch.


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